Having some software development fun again

While my background is in software development, I haven't been coding as a day-to-day job in a while. Don't get me wrong, I still touch code every week, but it's in a DevOps/scripting/serverless function sort of way, not a full blown app.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy getting my hands dirty with a bit of code, and it's certainly kept me out of trouble (mostly), but I do occasionally get a pang of nostalgia for the days of building full-fledged applications.

Which got me thinking, why not get started on one for fun, where I can use my new RPi Cluster as a host. But then comes the question, what would the app be?

I wanted to shift my focus from purely functional coding to explore the broader architectural and design aspects of software development. So, instead of a functional app that I hope people use, why not create an app to help teach.

With that, I came up with the following ideas:

  • Write an application that can ultimately be usable by me for doing....something I usually need.
  • Host it in my RPi cluster.
  • Post about the process as I go along and make it.

But then even that got me thinking once my ADD took over. Why not have some fun with it and explore some different language? So, instead of a single language for the back-end, I'm going to try and make a version in the back-end in a bunch of different languages/frameworks.

  • Frontend in Angular
  • Backend in .NET, Python, Java, Ruby, Go
  • Using the same database
  • Using the same API design

This is the first post in this "series" as I just came up with the idea, but I'll post more about my journey as it happens!

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